9 effective ways to travel more without quitting your job
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9 effective ways to travel more without quitting your job
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9 effective ways to travel more without quitting your job

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.”
Lewis Carroll

Unlikely there is a person who doesn’t dream to travel more often, discovering new places and different cultures. But in order to travel, you need money, and to have money, you need a job. Spending your life working a 9-to-5 and having holidays once per year doesn’t sound so romantic, right? Don’t be discouraged – travel is still possible. We propose you this 9 advices about how to satisfy your wanderlust without quitting your regular job.

1. Make travel a priority

“The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - says Stephen Covey, famous american author and keynote speaker. Indeed, if you determine for yourself that to travel is your priority number 1, it will be much easier to plan your schedule. Moreover, you will be never in any doubt of what to do on upcoming week-end and will start to plan your next journey just after landing from the previous one.

travel more
How to travel more?

2. Create a wish-list

This is not a secret that a magic of visualisation works very well and makes often your dreams to come true. Then, make a list of places and destinations you are eager to visit. You can make it even in the form of travel map, and put it in a prominent place. Check often promotional offers on your favorite travel websites, such as mylittleadventure.com and others, to find the best deals for your destination. Sooner or later your wish-list will be done and you won’t even notice how you’ll need to create a new one!

cappadocia in Turkey
Cappadocia in Turkey

3. Plan is nothing planning is everything

Thus, you choose your favorite travel destinations and you are highly motivated to visit them all. At this stage we recommend you to make your schedule, taking into account all days which you can dedicate to travel. Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Then, making a precise plan including target dates is the next step. By the way, don’t forget to subscribe for newsletters to keep abreast of last minute offers and airline discounts.

travel plan
Planning your travels

4. Use festive holidays

If you aren’t particularly religious, use holidays like Christmas or Easter to travel abroad. A long week-end could be a great opportunity to visit neighbouring countries. And if you leave friday evening, you can even make a longer trip, such as visiting Cappadocia for balloon flight or to make a city-break in Santorini.

holidays in santorini
Santorini in Greece

5. Extend work trips

If you travel sometimes for your work, try to add few extra days off to your business trip. You will save at least your money, as the transportation cost will be already covered by your company. Furthermore, better to make your journey in the end of working week, then you can enjoy the whole week-end in a new place. By the way, if you never had a chance to travel for your job, gain control of the situation. Look for some professional courses, conferences or seminars in places you want to visit and try to convince your boss that you really need to visit them. Well, no harm trying.

business trip
Business trip

6. Negotiate your schedule

It is generally accepted that a good employer has to work 5 days per week during 35 hours. But what if you may agree on a special schedule with your superior? For exemple, working 2 weeks on saturdays and then having 4 days off in the end of the month.

“At the beginning of my career, my working hours were very strict and unconditional. - says Karim Gawish, the web developer from mylittleadventure.com. - But then I understood, that I can do sometimes my job from the train or in the airport while waiting for my flight. Since we have found with my boss this mutually acceptable compromise, I often leave the office on friday early afternoon and start to enjoy my journey right the same evening. Moreover, I convinced my employer that traveling makes me more effective at work. And it is not wrong!”

negotiation with the boss
Negotiation with the boss

7. Save emotions, not money

If earning money is not your first priority now, consider requesting some extra unpaid vacation time. Just 1 or 2 days added to a long weekend or holiday will permit you to realise an unforgettable trip! Don’t be afraid to come with this question to your boss, as the worst answer you can receive is “no”.

Think about saving money via your transportation expences as well.

travel money
Save emotions, not money

8. Do your job well

These advices will doubtlessly work if your carry out your job duties with responsibility. When you are a good employee and do your best work, there will be no question of your extra holidays or remote work mode. Thus, if you manage your time efficiently, you will find a balance between your work and other life commitments. Indeed, if the goal is set clear, nothing is impossible then!

good job
Good job

9. Action - reaction

Now, when you read this advices about how to travel more without quitting your job, swift action should be taken. Today - not tomorrow - start to change your life. And always remember the legendary Mark Twain’s words: "Only two things we'll regret on deathbed – that we are a little loved and little traveled."

a couple travelling
A couple travelling

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