Privater Tagesausflug von Málaga nach Ronda
Überqueren Sie die beeindruckende Brücke Puente Nuevo, Rondas berühmtestes Wahrzeichen, die über die tiefe Schlucht geht und den maurischen Teil von Ronda mit dem modernen Teil der Stadt verbindet. Hier können Sie die zerklüftete Schlucht und die wunderschöne Landschaft genießen. Es gibt in Ronda viele Sehenswürdigkeiten, die einen Besuch wert sind. Die Arabischen Bäder aus dem späten 13. Jahrhundert sind die am besten erhaltenen in Spanien.
Die alte Stadtmauer und das Tor zur Stadt bieten Ihnen einen einzigartigen Einblick in das alte maurische Ronda. Der Palacio de Mondragon beherbergt das städtische Museum und hat spektakuläre Gärten. Es wurde als Residenz des maurischen König Abomelik erbaut und später als Sommerresidenz für König Ferdinand und Königin Isabella verwendet. Die Stadt hat auch einige beeindruckende Kirchen, darunter die Kirche des Heiligen Geistes und die Kirche Santa Maria la Mayor. Die Jardines de Cuenca (Gärten von Cuenca) sollten Sie sich nicht entgehen lassen, da sie sich auf den Vorsprüngen über dem Tajo befinden und einen spektakulären Blick auf die Landschaft und die Stadt bieten. Ronda ist angeblich die Heimat des modernen Stierkampfes, sodass ein Besuch der berühmten Stierkampfarena ein Muss ist.
Die Stierkampfarena ist eine der ältesten und gleichzeitig beeindruckendsten in Spanien. Sie umfasst ein Museum und eine Audioführung der Stierkampfarena.
Nachdem Sie die Stadt erkundet haben, geht es zurück zu Ihrer Unterkunft in Malaga.
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel/Hafen
- Fahrer/Reiseleiter
- Trinkwasser in Flaschen
- Eintrittspreise
- Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Mit mehrsprachigem Reiseleiter
- Mittlere Strecken werden zu Fuß zurückgelegt.

Peter, our guide, had everything well organised for a special visit to the Pileta Cave with prehistoric art. Great coffee on the way was quite unexpected and the cave was simply amazing. We were picked up from our ship and returned to the ship in good time. We were ecstatic about the whole visit. Thanks Peter
Thomas picked us up at our hotel promptly at 9 am and by the end of our trip he was part of the group. We didnt want to leave him. He not only gives you a private tour of Ronda, but also told us about Spain in general and their customs. He took us a scenic route to Ronda and a different Way home so we could see the country making several stops along the way back. For lunch he lead us to a beautiful restaurant with a fantastic view! He made us feel completely comfortable and at ease and never rushed! Ware so glad we spent the day in Ronda seeing the breathtaking views! This tour is fantastic!
Highest ratings from start to finish. Our cruise ship made a day stop in Malaga. We knew that we wanted to see Ronda during this stop, if possible. We discovered this the Viator-Ronda Day Tour and the day could not have been better. Our guide, Thomas, met us at the dock and provided an excellent tour of Ronda, as well as, very pleasant drive to and from Ronda approx 1 1/4 hour drive. This tour gives you all of old town Ronda plus Thomas recommended a wonderful cliff side restaurant for lunch, wow! By all means, take this tour. Thomas will ensure that you have a thoroughly enjoyable day while seeing and learning about this area. Thomas, thank you, again! Two thumbs up, way up!
Malaga is a wonderful city that one can do by foot and is great to walk its streets always full of people and wonderful smellswe spent there 3 ds ,on our last day we had arranged a day trip to Rhonda through viator and what an incredible experience it was.At exactly 9am our great guide arrived,Thomas,and off we went in his minivan,cool water cooler and all.The trip thru the country side is beautiful,and he related to us the history of the area with its small towns and always an old castle on the higher grounds also all the new agricultural products being planted today,like hills full of new avocado trees and the old never ending plantations of olive trees and wheat fields already cultivated.We got to Rhonda ! and Tom took us around to the back roads so my husband could appreciate the real taste and history of the city my husband has difficulty walking you see and Tom found the way specially for him so we both could see and appreciate the beauty of it.Then it was time to walk and walk we did while my husband waited at a nice cafe in a beautiful plaza by the main church.The town is gorgeous with all its old small palaces,cobble stone streets ,multiple shops and its bull ring that is active once a year for the town festivities,They use the bulls that they raise in a bull farm on the way to the city ,unfortunately we couldn't visit because it wasn't included on our trip but from the road we were able to see those magnificent animals,i learned all about bull fighting and the history behind it when we walked through the ring and the museums.We walked to all the bridges ,the new one that crosses the tajo and the Roman and the Arab one, up and down the streets we went,then we collected my husband and we said goodbye to Rhonda.Tom suggested we stop at a venta roadside restaurant for lunch and that was another great experience ,we got to eat authentic typical Spaniard menu with no fancies but great service and taste.Tom then took the coast road to come back and we could see the famous Gibraltar rock and the Gold Coast of Spain ,Marbella and so on ,that by the way is overbuild and crowded . We then came back to Malaga absolutely delighted for a day well spent and more appreciative of the old Spanish history and culture, and all thank you to Tom .THANK YOU
The tour to Ronda with the journey and short stopover to the coastal area of Marbella lasted for a full day. Thanks to our excellent guide, Thomas, who planned the whole trip for us. He is professional and helped us skip the large crowds, we had a VIP service the whole time. Ronda is so beautiful!!
This tour was absolutely incredible! Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable about Ronda and the Costa del Sol. He enhanced the experience of our tour and couldn't have been nicer. I would highly recommend this tour to everyone! Kate Lampson