Stonehenge mit Zugang zum inneren Steinkreis – Tagesausflug von London aus einschließlich Oxford und Windsor Castle
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Stonehenge mit Zugang zum inneren Steinkreis – Tagesausflug von London aus einschließlich Oxford und Windsor Castle
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Stonehenge mit Zugang zum inneren Steinkreis – Tagesausflug von London aus einschließlich Oxford und Windsor Castle

1 day
Über diese Aktivität
Beginnen oder beenden Sie Ihren Tag in London auf unvergessliche Weise mit einem exklusiven Ausflug nach Stonehenge – jene unglaublich geheimnisvolle, antike Stätte. Wählen Sie aus zwei Zeiten für den Besuch dieses zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehörenden Ortes.

Was diese Führung so besonders macht, ist der Zugang zum inneren Steinkreis von Stonehenge, der normalerweise für Besucher nicht zugänglich ist. Diese Tagestour ermöglicht eine einzigartige Besichtigung dieses prachtvollen Monuments aus nächster Nähe. Ihr Reiseleiter wird Ihnen einen umfassenden Überblick über die vielen Geheimnisse, die Stonehenge umgeben, vermitteln, während Sie die stimmungsvolle Landschaft bewundern.

Genießen Sie die lokale Kultur auf einem Spaziergang durch die historische Stadt Oxford und sehen Sie die Oxford Colleges, in denen bemerkenswerte Persönlichkeiten wie Bill Clinton, J.R.R. Tolkien, und C. Lewis ihre Ausbildungen genossen. Sehen Sie sich auch die Old Bodleian-Bibliothek an, eine funktionierende Forschungsbibliothek, die auf das Jahr 1602 zurückgeht.

Schloss Windsor

Ab April 2018:

Verwoben mit der wunderschönen Themse, verfügt diese königliche Gemeinde über eine spannende Mischung aus Geschichte, Kultur und Kulturerbe. Es ist ein absolutes Muss für jeden Besuch in Großbritannien. Genießen Sie einen Spaziergang durch die zauberhafte Stadt Windsor entlang der bezaubernden kopfsteingepflasterten Straßen. Bewundern Sie die wunderschöne georgianische und viktorianische Architektur sowie die Queen Charlotte Street – die kürzeste Straße in Großbritannien. Sehen Sie das Schloss Windsor, das Zuhause der britischen Könige und Königinnen seit fast 1000 Jahren. Schloss Windsor ist das größte und älteste bewohnte Schloss der Welt. 

Mehr lesen Weniger anzeigen
  • Private Führung durch den inneren Steinkreis von Stonehenge.
  • Spaziergang durch das historische Königliche Schloss Windsor (ab April 2018)
  • Spaziergang durch Oxford
  • Beförderung im klimatisierten Reisebus
  • Professioneller Reiseleiter
Nicht inbegriffen
  • Transfer vom und zum Hotel
  • Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
  • Trinkgeld (optional)
  • Eintritt zum Windsor Castle
  • Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
  • Bitte beachten Sie: Aufgrund der königlichen Hochzeit im Windsor Castle am 19. Mai besuchen wir stattdessen Salisbury (mit Spaziergang durch Salisbury).
3 | 2019-09-09

Seeing Stonehenge from within the Circle is worth it, even though everything else added on a hefty price tag. First the good: taking the inner access tour was one of the best decisions of my trip. It was breathtaking to walk among the stones and to have time there in (relative) isolation. I've been to Stonehenge before as part of the standard tour, and there is no comparison. Seeing the stones from within the circle is almost magical. It makes for fantastic pictures too! Now for the bad...I'll lump them into three categories: the travel guide, the itinerary, and the company. The travel guide: First, the travel guide was almost 30 minutes late to the bus because he feel asleep. Even with this delay, he approved an extra stop on the way back, making us even later on our return. Second, went on and on about his Instagram account about how he needed 5 star reviews (even after his nap). Third, he wasn't a great tour guide. For example, at the Windsor stop, he took us to a place out of view of the castle and took up most of our stop time by talking about the history of Henry IV - all stuff we could have read on Wikipedia. This left little time to see the town and was disappointing, because he had hinted all through the trip about his connections with the Royal family (calling the Queen boss and mentioning how he babysat for Prince Harry). The Itinerary: It's too busy. The company should consider doing a solo Stonehenge Inner Access Trip. After the early start, there's no way you can probably appreciate the other two stops. It would have been much better to return directly after Stonehenge, allowing us to rest and then have time to enjoy London. The company - Evans and Evans: First, our driver didn't have the contact information for our guide. Normally I don't think this would be a problem, but since our guide literally feel asleep while on the caused some issues. Second, I heard the driver and the guide talking about how they and their coworkers are all worked ragged. Based on their comments, it seems as if the employees have a rather grueling schedule, which isn't exactly something I desire in my tour guide and driver. Overall....if there's another way to get inner access to Stonehenge, I'd say take it. If not, this tour will do, just don't have high hopes for anything afterwards with this tour.

George S
5 | 2019-07-30

This was an incredible tour. We enjoyed Windsor and Oxford. We felt like we were in a fairy tale. But to be inside of the Stonehenge circle itself was truly magical as the sun was setting. It really takes your breath away. I wouldnt do it any other way.

Matthew M
5 | 2019-07-15

The Stonehenge inner circle access tour was amazing! It was totally worth waking up super early in the morning to get this rare opportunity to walk around the stones. Our guide Oliver was great! He was very knowledgeable and helpful. The Oxford walking tour was good and informative. The Windsor trip was kind of a waste of time. It was incredibly crowded because we went on a Saturday afternoon and we weren’t able to go inside the castle. However, Oliver did a nice little walking tour there, but I would suggest to the company that they pick a third place. But it really didn’t matter, most of the people on the tour was for that incredible opportunity to walk in the inner circle. You get to get as close as you want to the stones without touching them. Plus, it really was exclusive as there were only our tour approximately 50 people that were at the site at the time. You won’t get that in a normal Stonehenge tour.

Laura M
5 | 2019-07-08

We did the early morning tour which had us at Stonehenge before it was open to the public which was great. Also was worth every penny to be able to go inside the circle. Our tour guide Oliver was very knowledgeable and pleasant.

Theresa C
5 | 2019-07-03

This trip was one of my favorites! To be that close to Stonehenge was amazing Our tour guide, Oliver, was also great as well as our bus driver, Bosko. I would suggest this one for sure.

Noreen F
5 | 2019-07-03

Rowan was fantastic! Being in the inner circle at Stonehenge is definitely how you want to see this. Great taste of Oxford and Windsor

Jennifer B
5 | 2019-07-03

So we got to Stonehenge during a torential downpour, got completely soaked, and it was still worth it! Oliver was our tour guide, and he handled what could have been a very trying experience with humor and grace! It is very much worth the extra to go inside the stones. When we got there we had the place to ourselves! Really incredible!

Steven N
5 | 2019-01-07

This was great and worth the extra. The history given to us by the guide made a fantastic experience even better. Loved every part!

William A E
5 | 2018-12-10

Seeing the sun rise from the center of Stonehenge was a top ten lifetime experience. No crowds and a guide that is an archeologist that had worked at Stonehenge? Tough to beat that knowledge for a guide. Also enjoyed the walk around Oxford and drinking at J. R.R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis' favorite pub while in Oxford. Windsor was also interesting although we had only limited time there and so had to rush through the Castle and Cathedral. Still, Stonehenge alone made the trip worth while for my wife and I. Highly recommended.!!

5 | 2018-09-28

The fact that this tour was one of the rare ones that allowed us to actually go into the "inner circle" added a greater sense of presence and education to this "mysterious" site. Our tourguide was extremely helpful, as he was an experienced archaeologist to boot. Definitely worth the price of the tour!

5 | 2018-09-18

our guide oliver was the best! very , shared a lot of info about stonehenge, windsor, oxford, and restos in any area, charming, and engages us the tourists in his discussions. i love it that we were given 30mins inside the stonehenge circle. definitely will go back to the quaint windsor castle village and oxford town to soak in the feel of the place and explore every nook.and.cranny. this tour is a must!

5 | 2018-08-13

Rhys and Ricky were great. Everything was on time. Ricky has great skill with the bus and Rhys is very nice and knowledgable. Getting to stand within the stones was amazing.

Darry C
5 | 2018-08-09

Well worth the trip to walk among the Stonehenge stones at sunset!! Oxford was good, Windsor was a bit rushed, but still go to see most of the town.

4 | 2018-07-15

The inner circle access was well worth the extra cost. Touring Oxford was also a pleasant surprise and a great way to spend part of the day. We enjoyed Windsor but be aware that entrance to the castle is not included in the tour and there we felt not enough time to visit the site. Rhys was a very good tour guide. He provided plenty of information, kept the tour on time and also allowed enough quiet time on the bus for other conversations. This tour is a really great way way to see more of the country in a small amount of time.

Steve W
4 | 2018-07-11

Our guide was excellent and very knowledgeable. The bus was very nice and the bus driver was good. Enjoyed all the places we went but I would recommend the evening tour of Stoenehenge. It was cold and very foggy, which although added to the mysteriousness of Stonehenge we could not get an ides of what the surrounding country side was like. Plus we had to get up at 4AM. But over all would highly recommend this day trip

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